
The marketer formerly known as Sarah Ainslie

So, who the heck is Sarah Miles? Well, I used to be Sarah Ainslie. After 15 years as Sarah Ainslie Marketing, I am reinvented as Smiles Marketing, inspired by my return to my maiden name of Sarah Miles (no, honestly, it’s fine). After all, who wouldn’t want to be a Smiles?!

Turning Page

New name, new focus

This return to my authentic self feels like an appropriate time to be more explicit about the way my business has evolved over recent years, and the kind of projects I love to work on, as I have chosen to focus primarily on my great passion for writing. Hence a new name, a new brand, a new website, and a new spotlight on copy and content.

Content Writing +

That doesn’t mean I no longer offer general marketing services. I do. After all, I’ve been working in marketing since 1997 and freelance since 2007, but the majority of the marketing services I offer have content and copy at their heart, such as developing and writing websites, creating and writing social media campaigns, planning, writing, and delivering email marketing campaigns etc. All done within the context of your overall marketing strategy. I like to think of it as Content Writing +.

Read more about the services I can offer here.

What has blogging ever done for us?

Blogging is something that every business can do and delivers multiple benefits. If you are not writing blogs regularly for your business, here are 7 reasons why you should.

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How to repurpose your content

You have worked hard to create your original content. Maximise its value by repurposing. Here’s how you can repurpose content without getting into trouble with Google.

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